Published Articles

Published Articles
by Ebru Sarıkaya, 6 May 2022

An Analytical Study on Elsa Morante’s Concept of Literature

In the works of Elsa Morante, imagination acts as a fundamental matrix behind which is often hidden an intense autobiography. By virtue of this union between the real and the imaginary, literature represents for the author a bridge between herself and life on which to pass the most hidden emotions and feelings. In this perspective […]

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Published Articles
by Ebru Sarıkaya, 6 February 2022

Una vita avvolta nelle parole: un breve profilo di Elsa Morante

La biografia di una delle scrittrici-narratrici più importanti della letteratura italiana. Elsa Morante, fin dall’infanzia, aveva stabilito un rapporto singolare con le parole: ciò che accadeva intorno e dentro di lei non trovava espressione se non passando prima dal vaglio della sua vasta immaginazione, tenendo però salda la consapevolezza che soltanto la parola fosse portatrice […]

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Published Articles
by Ebru Sarıkaya, 6 October 2021

L’approccio psicoanalitico alla letteratura in Italia: il contributo di Trieste

Psychoanalytic theories have always been a great source of inspiration for literature but in Italy these two disciplines had an initially conflictual relationship. However, there are many significant works impregnated with psychoanalysis, which had a major impact on Italian culture especially during the first decades of the twentieth century. This study explores the evolution of […]

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Published Articles
by Ebru Sarıkaya, 6 August 2021

Tre viaggiatori italiani in Turchia: Una breve rassegna di letteratura odeporica

This study aims to analyse, for the period between 1700 and 1800, the image of Turkey in the Italian travel reports belonging to three different authors: Giovanni Battista Casti, Edmondo De Amicis, Cristina Trivulzio di Belgioioso. The odeporic analysis is mainly characterized by the content-related point of view of each of the reports in such […]

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Published Articles
by Ebru Sarıkaya, 10 February 2021

Il connubio tra fantastico e doppio nelle novelle di Pirandello

This essay focuses on two short stories, La Carriola and Stefano Giogli, uno e due, from Luigi Pirandello’s collection Novelle per un anno in order to analyze the meticulous elaboration of the fantastic elements and the theme of the double around which they are built. Particular attention will be also paid to similarities and differences […]

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Published Articles
by Ebru Sarıkaya, 8 February 2021

“Aracoeli” di Elsa Morante

“Aracoeli”: romanzo di desolazione sociale o diario intimo dell’ultima Morante? Uno sguardo psicoanalitico all’universo di Elsa Morante. This study intends to analyze Aracoeli (1982), the latest novel of the one of the greatest and the most enigmatic women writers of the Italian literature, Elsa Morante. The novel treats many themes which arose not only from […]

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